"It's hard to beat someone who never quits"
Players aged 9-19 who are interested in committing more time to soccer and playing at a more competitive level should tryout for an ASC Travel Select team. While tryouts are not required to play on a ASC Travel team, they are required for Travel Select.
To learn more about the differences between the WYSL and AYSO programs, click here.
Please take a moment to read the full ASC WYSL FAQs for common questions about tryouts.
Tryouts are run 100% by our Professional Coaches
Rankings a combination of tryout and past year performance
Each player is ranked as a single number
Goalies are evaluated independently so that all teams have at least a part-time goalie
The final rankings are provided to only the Board President and the Registrar. No other board members see the final rankings.
Team size varies by age
If selected it is mandatory to attend all practices & games
We also offer a Developmental program for 2017's. There is NO tryout process for this program. Players are selected through continual assessment over the spring season on Saturdays/Midweek Academy by all pro trainers.
Tryouts for season 24/25
2016 Boys
5/7 - Coman Hill - 400-515pm
5/9 - Coman Hill - 515-630pm
5/16 - Lombardi - 500-630pm
2015 Boys
5/7 - Lombardi - 530-700pm
5/14 - Lombardi - 530-700pm
2014 Boys
5/7 - Lombardi - 400-530pm
5/14 - Lombardi - 400-530pm
2013 Boys
5/14 - IBM 4 - 500-630pm
5/17 - IBM 4 - 500-630pm
2012 Boys
5/14 - IBM track -530-700pm
5/17 - IBM track - 530-700pm
2011 Boys
5/14 - IBM track - 430-600pm
5/21 - IBM track - 430- 600pm
2016 Girls
5/7 - Coman Hill - 515-630pm
5/9 - Coman Hill - 400-515pm
2015 Girls
5/13 - IBM 4 - 400-530pm
5/20 - IBM 4 - 400-530pm
2014 Girls
5/13 - IBM 4 - 530-700pm
5/20 - IBM 4 - 530-700pm
2013 Girls
5/9 - IBM 4 - 530-700pm
5/16 - IBM 4 - 530-700pm
2012 Girls
please email to be evaluated.
2011 Girls
please email to be evaluated.